Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Canter Family

Meet the Canter Family!

Celebrating 50 years of Marriage...too cute for words!
Right before Emily's "Superstar" pose! ;-)

I LOVE this wall!

These beautiful sisters are showing off their "good sides"

This might be the cutest brother/sister picture ever!
You can tell they are such good friends...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My little girl is 10 months old!

I can't believe how the time is just flying by! There is no way that those labor pains were 10 months ago....I remember them like yesterday! Now here we are packing up every thing we own in boxes and taking loads down to Wilkesboro. And yes, we are completely baby proofing our new house because every day Atti takes a few more steps with her fisher price lawn mower! She might just take off running tomorrow! I decided I needed to do one last photo shoot at the farm before we move and a jean dress and the old fence seemed perfect...